Oak Island, North Carolina

Live Cams, Weather Conditions, and Beach Activity

Oak Island Pier Live Cam

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Live cam from the Oak Island Pier in Oak Island, NC. Oak Island Pier is a favorite destination among residents and visitors alike! View live weather, surf conditions, and beach activity from your favorite coastal beaches in North Carolina. Check in anytime to see what’s happening at the beach.

Nearby Beaches & Places to Visit
Oak Island Pier, 705 Ocean Drive, Oak Island, NC 28465

About This Webcam

Oak Island Pier

Spend a day at the Oak Island Pier, Oak Island’s #1 attraction. Enjoy fishing, sightseeing and walking. Enjoy the magnificent views of the sunset. The Pier House offers bait, tackle, snacks, souvenirs and beer and wine. The Oak Island Pier and Pier House are owned and operated by the Town of Oak Island.



Oak Island Pier